Funny Poem Contest

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Darkchaosherojustice (01), Aug 8, 2012.

  1. Welcome welcome one and all to the POEM CONTEST
    Rules r Simple
    Write a poem 
    Try to make it funny
    Have some fun
    I will need ur votes for the winner
    I will Tell u who won tomorrow or tonight
    Good Luck Everyone
  2. Roses are red
    Violets are red
    Oh damn the gardens in fire
  3. Since l was six years of age,
    friends called me Bonner in cage.
    Now, thou, writing different page of lifes,
    one can't be bothered changing his visage.
  4. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Why you in my bed
    Ypu liv ein the zoo
  5. Every year
    I shed a tear.
    For my favorite dog.
    He was like a hog.
    Because he jumped over logs.
    Then he got sick,
    Could no longer lick.
    It was a sad sad day,
    It ruined my parade.
  6. Keep em coming
  7. Rose are red
    Violets are blue
    You better shut up 
    Before your face turns blue
  8.    
     

    FLY TO THE MOON
  9. Fly to the moon away from the drama and be free and happy
  10. I might tell you who the winner is tomorrow but I need you guys to vote on who should win cant vote for yourself
  11. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    New avatars are whack
    And so are you

    See what I did there 
  12. Roses are red
    Rangers are blue
    You better start running
    Cause animal control is after you 
  13. Let's cut our hair so we can't see from one eye
    Hey that's a disability I think I might cry
  14. 
    Roses are red
    Facebook are blue
    No mutual friends
    Who the hell are you?!
  15. Cacti are green
    Fire is hot
    This poems makes no sense
  16. Roses are red
    Violets are blue 
    You better stfu 
    Before I punch you 
  17. ~Bitches used to try to make me frown
    ~Cause I had cushion for pushin and my rear would jiggle fast.
    ~Now I look back at those pathetic poser skinny clowns
    ~ and smile as I say "your boyfriend likes my big fat ass!"