Welcome welcome one and all to the POEM CONTEST Rules r Simple Write a poem Try to make it funny Have some fun I will need ur votes for the winner I will Tell u who won tomorrow or tonight Good Luck Everyone
Since l was six years of age, friends called me Bonner in cage. Now, thou, writing different page of lifes, one can't be bothered changing his visage.
Every year I shed a tear. For my favorite dog. He was like a hog. Because he jumped over logs. Then he got sick, Could no longer lick. It was a sad sad day, It ruined my parade.
I might tell you who the winner is tomorrow but I need you guys to vote on who should win cant vote for yourself
~Bitches used to try to make me frown ~Cause I had cushion for pushin and my rear would jiggle fast. ~Now I look back at those pathetic poser skinny clowns ~ and smile as I say "your boyfriend likes my big fat ass!"