Your Chance to get a DV to LCBC

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-TheOriginalRoamingMewbles, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. Do you have a friend hardworking decent?
    Do you think they should be bc already but they are too busy helping others this forum I want you to nominate one friend who requires less than 400b to bc. Give valid reasoning behind your nomination voting is closed in 4 hours.
  2. That's so nice of you.  I hope somebody who is really helpful to people gets it.
  3. Very generous James hope some well deserving people are nominated
  4. Aww. Soo sweet of you!!!
  5. How can you not nominate war king or warrior tyey are amazing
  6. Neither are within 400 bil of bc. One is a bc and the other it's 300 kcs I believe ?
  7. I nominate _warrior and war-king one of them should get it
  8. War king is already bc. And warrior is more than 400b away.
  9. Me , I lc'd in 1 day , I help noobs , I'm generally quite helpful if I want to be , I upgrade almost everyday

    If I can't nominate myself I'd say anya , why? She's awesome
  10. ZU-Sake- He's my Bestie
  11. I help bt too far frm LCBC lol
    So sweet of u <3
  12. Lol read before you comment. Very generous James. Hope you decide on a good person
  13. You can't nominate yourself
    And give a decent reason behind you nominating this person
  14. My post got cut off!!
  15. Me ... Ask all my tutors :) xx all i do is help and try and make friends
  16. Give it to irem!!! To irem!!!!!?
  17. Because she's awesome, sexy, nice and OP
  18. I vote Meg idk how strong she is though :p
  19. Jeni you wish me to upgrade that much?