Hmmm... This is a place to post about your dreams. Anyone at all. And comment. Comment because commenting is fun. I'll go first. But be warned I have strange dreams. I was walking down a road in a big city holding hands with someone. Then I looked over at them and realized it was Carter from my jujitsu classes. And out of nowhere my parents and his parents showed up. They were talking about an arranged marriage. I started running as fast as I could. Carter chased me and he got shot by a weird old man with a bayonet. I started laughing like a lunatic.
I have starnge dreams as well so here goes. I was once in love with a girl and wanted to go to a dance with her but I couldn't (a little backstory before we get started) Now for the dream, I dreamed that I had went to sleep and woke up on the hour of the dance. Everyone was gome from my house for some reason. I got up and splashed some water in my face. When I looked in the mirror, a monster with black skin, huge claws, and glowing greens eyes stared back. That's when I hatched a plan. I sprinted to the school and turned out the lights. I slaughtered everyone but her. I turned the lights back on, walked up to her, outstreched my hand and said "Come. Let us start a new life." And then I woke up.
I was on that camping tour with my friend and my stalker. .-. We were leaving Singapore and I was in the airplane sitting next to him, while suddenly somebody poked me and I "magically" fell outta the window. .-. Then he jumped out to catch me but I kept falling and falling until I hit a cloud. He kept falling sadly, and then the ground opened up and he hit Hell. Man I'm evil. ;u;
I have lots of nightmares/odd dreams so here goes....: I was at the zoo with my best friend and we were riding an elephant.Then the elephant bucked of my friend and we went home.That night(in my dream)I couldn't sleep and my Jack in a box opened and sprung out a zombie/thing with blood poring down it's face started coming towards me with a knife.... Then I woke upxD
I had a dream! Okie so I was living with my family and another family that we know in this village. So they have a son that's a year older than me that I've known since I was born and stuff. Well in my dream, I was pregnant with his kid (scary o.o) while my mom was also pregnant (scarier! O.O). And so Logan (the guy) and I were like hanging out and stuff then my water broke. So I go and have the baby (waaaay too much pain btw) and Steven (current boyfriend and Logan's best friend in real life) shows up. He claims himself as godfather. So he finds out that Logan is the father and challenges him to a duel (odd I know.) So they got horses and sticks (yes. Sticks.) And so they duel and Steven wins, therefore he claims me. So my mom comes running out when she hears that Steven won and goes to stab him with his stick (she hates him in rl too). But she misses and stabs Logan in the arm! In all the emotions, Logan and Steven decide that I can't get between they're friendship so they create this love triangle when Logan gets me Mon and Wed. Steven gets me Tues and Thurs. Fri is girls night. And they'd switch me every other weekend. Then I woke up. Very odd dream ._.
Mine seems very tame compared to the rest of these dreams . I dreamt that my stupid boss said something to me that I didn't like and I punched her in the face but no matter how hard I hit it wouldn't even like phase her.
One night i dreamt that i was on some roller coaster thingy that went all around the city but instead of roller coaster cars it had those mining cars i was riding all peacefully when i notice that another mining car is approaching behind me then i realize it some burnt disfigured mofo when he gets closer he tries to climb on my car so i start kicking and shooting his face (idk where i got the gun) it continues like that pretty much the whole time i was sleeping
I dreamt that I had murdered my gym teacher and cut him up into many pieces, made stew, hid the remains in a gym bag in one block of my school, and got away with it. the police couldn't find the body and after that the principal just casually asked me if I had murdered him and I said.. ' er.. Yeah ' then she helped me dispose of the body
Last night I dreamt me and my friends were folding laundry with an ugly guy. He started crying then shot me in the face. I started laughing and running around with blood dripping down my face. He stopped crying and tried to kiss my brother, who beat him in the head repeatedly
Part of My dreams usually come true the next day or is somehow liked to something that happens the next day. it's kinda weird. ✌☺
My dreams r weird My family and I suddenly owned a beachhouse So me and my mom were tanning outside The in the ocean king kong (the gorilla) came and ate my Mom