Heres an update to the Singles vs Singles war Trendy-AttractsDaHaters-Bam and I were working on. We had decide to let y'all choose sides instead of vs. War will be Declared: August 9th 2013. War will be 24 hrs long Requirements: Must be at least 25 kcs Please list below your name kcs and the side u want to be one. Sign ups are over on August 5th 2013 **Plz know we will try to keep sides even** 1) There will be absolutely NO DRAMA 2) There's no stripping tuts 3) Plz respect all players. Admins will have rights to kick anyone who they feel is disrespectful during war. 4) No upgrading or name change after August 5th. 5) HAVE FUN AND MAKE THIS A GREAT WAR!!!
So what are they meant to say they want to be on the left or right side? If you are going to organise a war atleast make clear instructions
My fault Please post: Trendy or Princess side and ur stats. I believe that's the only thing I left out