Valentine is just around the corner and we pinoys are hopelessly romantic and love to war Hmmm, why not have them both then? So if you're single or double , in a relationship or it's complicated?, why not celebrate Post Valentine's day with fellow pinoys thru PINOY BOS WAR (Valentine Edition). Good idea right? Save the date! Feb 15, 2014, 13:00 PH time Reminder : Please post in English Sign up! 1. 500kcs to join. Indicate or and the stats 2. Only one account allowed. 3. Inform/re-post name change 4. By Real Gender not by Ava 5. Final upgrade is on Feb 11, 2014. Any update on stats, kindly re-post 6. Sign-up deadline is on Feb 12, 2014 17:00 PH time WAR RULES: 1. 24Hrs Locked Roster War 2. No Stripping 3. No Outside Hits 4. Once Leave the War No Re-Joining 5. ️LEAVE DRAMA OUTSIDE: ️JUST WAR AND HAVE FUN War Committee: : i-BIGGPOPSTiCK, DA-Lui_mbr, CC-K1ngB3rk, CC-iCrazyShinCanbiteChubs : Angela10, -v-eXatiOus_DiKe-, -D4REDEVIL-, IkenTurnUrWorldUpsideDown
What if you are dating a person but they don't know that you are dating them or exist are you still allowed to war?
Just a warning keep it 100% English in forums. Many times already pinoy's try making a war and thread is lock because players have used non-English. ? also just leave every one else out why don't ya, pinoy war. ?