We sincerely apologize to those that didn't make the cut, HOWEVER, we managed to get an extension of the clubs so we could fit 200members in each of them. So this will be a 200 Girlfriends vs. 200 Boyfriends (400 total players). We really tried hard to get everyone in and this was the most we could get so let's have some fun!!!!This war is going to be the largest PIMD has ever seen!! The club will NOT be open until Thursday July 18, 2013 so don't apply just yet PLEASE REPORT TO The Boyfriends CLUB BEFORE DECLARATION OF WAR ON JULY 18, 2013 4pm GMT 8 (or SG time). War starts July 19, 2013 8am GMT 8. Ice take it away and post The Boyfriends roster!! Let's have some fun and keep it clean!!
--Mater_Piece--Davefun -LNS-g4zZo-_-Bh4v1K- -SL_iDream_Make_uScream -SW-Luke_I_Am_Your_Father -U-DaMiEoN __CHiEF__ __IIIIIIIIdbIIIIIIIII__ __Turk__ _L-L_Andre_Dicarluccio_ _QuinCrow_ _Titanium_ -_Jiggly_- ---V_F4NT4STIC--- --n_A_z_A_r_3_n_0-- --PRiNCE-FRiES-- -AD-Your-Girl_Begged-For_Stud -AKUDOU- -animosity- -BCS-Akkii- -BCS-Ali786- -BCS-Poseidon- -BCS-YummyManny- -BigPapaD- -BobbyOwnCippii- -CC-KILLER- -COS_AceinBebeKo- -Couch_Violating_Panda- -D_A-LamiEnz-DaRkCrIMsOneyEs_ -Dills- -DirtyGhettoKid -FI_yach_FI- -IceShadow- -iKiloe-_StripNSmash_xG -Imagine-IIIIITheBigSlickIIIII -KING_ALIEN- -Kris_L_Nat- -LTA-_Only_A_Fable_-LTA- -MaLu_O_Ka_MaKe- -MyLittlePony- -N_A-OFFICER -ntl-raven__shadow -OCA_ijatkomeng- -OnlyPizzaCanHootYouWhenDrunk- -PP-Baby_Eve -PP-Buddy_Eve -Ry- -sdoXxyPoo- -Sir-Nekkie- -T_L-Badboy -T_L-Infidel-USMC -T_L-MUSCLE -T_L-Thomas -TDL-AjTheBoss_Blahh -TDL-CoNcEnTrAtEd-h2so4 -TDL-Eggrolls -Tyler_CamoMuddinKing- -U--m4tth3w-- -UN-TheAwesomeCubanito- -UN-TheAwesomeMaster_Dizz- -WU-Tha_Outca5t -YAK-JIU-LEAKY-Dez1024-WCL -YAK-JIU-LEAKY-DrkWlf- -Yak-Jiu-LEAKY-NotoriousPlaya- -Zeuss- 00_Rio 7-TheSuperMegaMightyWarSaiyan A51-MIKELAWREY- A51-xXI_DOC_HALLADAY_lXx abby7475 About50Ninjas AC_Slater AEye13 AlphaDomination Awesome39 Baxx Beat-U-Silly Berkinshire bhavesh559 BigChrisp BIGManOnCampus Brat11r Celtic-Cross Cerventes Cj_The-Puppy Clark_bautista clayjunior CrazyReD D34D7Y_Kalki- darwin06 DRM_Chuck_Norris DRM-MAWinnettu DZ_Kaname EpicnessOverload ERROR-SadGirL- evil-shashi Firetec G11 GOH-Azazel-Angel-From-Hell Guardian_XLovesAmber he-who-is-not-named honeybee310 I_T-K4P- i-kammy_aka_kb- iamronit IceShardz IlllllllllllllllI iPOP Jaime_bluntrose_Davilla JF-Almighty-Noe- jonathan_bear1 Kian06 LTA_Cool-Cat-Cam lxx_lord_master_mind_xxl lXx_LORD-SPETSNAZ_xXl M_FoR_MaToN M4GN1F1C3NT_TheWinner ManWhoLaughs maypud MF-Dro420-MF moneyman783 MR_BIG_BAD_JONNYBOY Mr_Universe_man_myth_legend Mr-MeanChris MurkyMonster OnlyGodCanJudgeMe OnlyJuubiGets-Abusive- OnlyWanderingGaimerCanBeBully_ oOGanjaFarmerOo OYO PE-OnlyGodCanAbuseTrace Peeta Phineasgage Playmates_MadPro PLaymates-TiffsPlayToy-Thumper President_KimJong-Foot Project_BlueBook Quniton R--BrokenSilence R--Chris-TheKingLurk- R--Mr_GodLike--R Redneck_Rebel ReHaB_BeAsT reido Resurrection-_-Poseidon Rexton Ronny43 RS_Atrabilious RS_BeloTheGreat RS_Big_-Joe RS_Calikid RS_iBeanieBoy RS_IMakeYourGirlMoanZay RS_JakeyPooh RS_Jetboy RS_LHO_MEDIC RS_MasterClassAsh RS_MoonyLovesHisSnowflake RS_OnlyBrentMakesSommyTapOut RS_Shermantor RS_Thoughtkreator RS_TypoKing RS_XxH8tedAng3lxX RS-Gemini senhor-swivelhips Sha_-doWar-_-rior shaddycool1234 Smoke_Monster-BoO Snail soy_sauce Sud Sudo-Mr_Nora SVG-TheFaLLenFenrir- TagTheKickAssPro TEMPLAR-JC_Fury TERROR-BadB0y- The_Fresh_Prince_Of_London theMaliciousNicky ThePandaThatLovesFruityDrinks TheSmashHitz Thor_The_God_Of_Thunder tr0_oll TU_NENE ugamanyo Vyk_Vahael Wandering-_-OnlyGodCanBeMyth__ War-King WhiteElder-Dragon xLucius XxX-L-O-V-E-XxX YAK-JIU-LEAKY-KuZzYFiDdY- yanlb ZU-dpHD
Rules of War: 1. Players are NOT allowed to upgrade/downgrade after the Deadline given by Organizers unless instructed to do so. 2. No Name Changing before the war start and No ALTS are allowed to join BoS. 3. No Stripping of BoS players before and during war. 4. No requests of outside hits. 5. Whatever happens in war, Stays in war. Do not carry it on after war. NO DRAMA ALLOWED. 6. Be Respectful to All Players in BoS. Any vulgarities or rude/hate/homophobic comments used by either clubs (The Boyfriends and The Girlfriends) on Campus, Walls or Forum will not be tolerated. 7. Any BoS player who is caught posing as their opposite sex's gender will be disqualified immediately. 8. Strictly NO VISITORS allowed before and during war. (Only the official participants are accepted inside the club) 9. No rejoining after leaving the club when war is in progress. 10. Players whose name are listed in the roster, need to inform Admins 2 days in advance if you can’t join the war. 11. Any dispute or issues in war, please refer to the Respective Admins of the BoS club.
Wasn't it supposed to have clubs based on stats so to allow more players to join? Looks like a family reunion instead. I applied at page 6 and didn't get in. Thank you, I won't even bother next time