PiMD Hall Of Fame

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Webboo, Sep 29, 2011.

  1. I was wondering,

    If you could make a Hall Of Fame for PiMD players who don't play anymore, who would you choose? And why?

    Repeat? I don't care.

    Being a 2nd or 3rd gen, I wouldn't know many. 

    Post your ideas. Blarg. 
    _Web 
  2. Adelynn. Good thread idea
  3. Ryan Horning. Trololololol and funny.

    Aaron Rodgers. Is he on anymore? Haven't seen him around.
  4. I haven't seen him recently.
    _Web 
  5. Aaron got his idevice taken away
  6. Hmmmm...but I think he got it back and quit
  7. There are too many but maybe Jack_in_the_Bocks
  8. I think I remember Jack.

    Adelyyn created like, the most popular thread on PiMD.

    Ever. 
    _Web 
  9. *Adelynn
    _Web 
  10. Yes Erica did. Still going too.
  11. Yeah, like 36,000 posts.
    _Web 
  12. Jack In The Bocks

    I still text Ryan_Horning and Erica.
  13. I liked Zam.

    Is Erica Adelynn? 
    Don't make me.

    You made me!


    Bring it, Crack. 
    _Web 
  14. I miss them both. Say hi? 
  15. Oops. Wrong thread.


    I feel like a noob. 
    _Web 
  16. 
  17. Drake!!!!!!