Discussion in 'Wars' started by j31, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Anyone want to 1v1? Serious takers only for a 12 hour war. Lets start ASAP. I'm waiting!
  2. Drop 4 t6 then deal. :)
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  3. Haha no I won't drop.

    I'm open for hits till war is accepted. 
  4. Yeah im sure you have more pots then i do id loose, ill challenge you in a week. BE PREPARED. :(
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  5. I'm so happy to see wars back.

    I've been trying to plan wars but no one would of joined them. Now that I see many war threads...I start to tears up
  6. war than maybe another after!!
  7. Lets go jen ? 727397/827299ED PERM DTW!!!!
  8. I will do 1 vs 1 with you Jen
  9. ??sure Jen when ?
  10. ?why is your name green?
  11. She is an alien
  12. She comes in peace. Even though she wants to war. Logic, y'know? Simple stuff.
  13. Let's Party Jen Jen
  14. First war will start soon
  15. Mods war? Whaaaaaaa