
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Entity_Of-The_Beast, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. If you are being farmed or farming someone for a good reason, then feel free to message me.
    I will listen to the issue at hand and help farm whether i think it's appropriate for me to get involved or not.
  2. If you like I'm farming someone named "-0_o-Dionite-o_0-". He was farming me an hour ago so I'm getting my revenge. It'll be awesome if you could help me farm him. Thanks.
  3. I'll do what i can 
  4. Get a room
  5. ? I'm active-ish. Hire me
  6. This guy drops serious dns though. I remember he kept 3 dudes dtw once lmao
  7. i enjoy farming i just need a target 
  8. The things that get put on here 
  9. It got deleted xD
  10. Like wth is wrong with people 
  11. Sucky sucky !
  12. Don't encourage
  13. Is this some sort of sick joke??...

    Fap fap fap fap fap
  14. Gifs been deleted :)
  15. Aww 
  16. Gimme 100k fight losses