Quick Money ?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *-The-Pope- (01), Mar 11, 2011.

  1. I need some tips on how to get some really quick money I need 20 mil to upgrade 
  2. Polini. No offense ment but..... Can we?
  3. Yur going to get silenced thats how I did
  4. Haha lol he's pinned anyway lol but let's just keep it that way
  5. What am i doing bro :) Read my wall ;)
  6. U are right he is easy I just earned 900k
  7. Join to Crisis , after war i can upgrade and you can gain more :D
  8. Just farm polnii he loves it
  9. Pipec, no one is going to join you.
  10. Or farm the whole crisis clun