Wars only

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Beautiful_Mess_, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. ?Any wars I can join?I've asked campus many times......?

    Love Mess
  2. Wars are very rare occurrences nowadays
  3. ?I know it's sad really
  4. It's like come on I want to play
  5. Only 4 wars going on ATM 

  6. That's I have nothing to say..... PATHETIC
  7. People still pwar? 
  8.  I personally agree that we should have wars and I know I'm not one to talk , but if we think no real wars is bad , why not try and get one together .
  9. Why organize a war when you can simply create one? ;)
  10.  that too
  11. Jackles is a peawaur pro n00b
  12. Lets have a war in my bed Katie

    Stripping allowed
  13. There is a real war coming up lovebut I wanted one now
  14. JOPOdon't bother stripping for meyou are way too small
  15. 
    LEMON vs JAVA
     4 PM GMT 8 
     LEMON'S SIDE 

    MARCH 8 
  16. 1 v 1 
  17. I'm doing
    Attention Seekers vs. Drama Queens
    March 21st
  18. We just declared a BOS war for fun it starts in 8 hrs guys join my side girls the opposing side
  19. Its a 24 hr war sorry forgot to post that