guide to strip farming

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TERROR-Bad_Luck_Chuck-, May 26, 2012.


    Yes yes some of you know but this ,but there are noobs who don't know how to fully strip farm.
    Welcome to my guide .
    This is the full way to strip farm and NEVER be caught,
    1#. Strip (the certain player ) of all their tuts.!

    A tip' They CANNOT be online and they must be offline for 1-2Hours to complete this task.!

    2#. Drop ALL the tuts that you have stripped from the person NO EXEPTIONS

    3#. Attack/Dance 450/500x ( must use dn's and another player to help )
    and yes i know your thinking
    "why do ya need to hit 450/500x?". Because hitting 450/500x will take ALL of the persons money that they used to have in tuts :cool: . That's why they call it strip farming ;D .

    A tip' After you 'stripped,dropped,and farmed this player you must now cover your tracks and go to phase 4# !

    4#. YES final stage
    , You need to evesdrop this player over 60x to spam their news feed so they don't find you, I know you think "(/)-_-) there are 4 news feeds" well 60x will cover that broIt works in pimd that I've noticed if you recive over 55 news reports it will suddenly clear and only show evesdropps.

    A tip' BUT YOU CANNOT FAIL ANY evesdropps or you will have to do 60x more

    Yes yes your thinking
    "this damn idiot is out of his mind "

    Well I'm not I have played a very long time and know all the tight ends in these Pimd under wear
    ("just a medifor") 

    Happy strip farming

    By mitchel so if you even have 0 tuts and 0 cash and 0 evidence then I was there !.
  2. Hah nice guide. Evil! But nice.
  3. Wonderfulis that realivent to a certain situation
  4. Perfect!
  5. What someone tried doing on me.

    But failed. 
  6.  YOU CRAZY KID
  7. Leon  bromance
  8. BROMANCE
  9. That was you mitchel!!! 

    Lol jk! Great evil guide lol
  10. At the end...did you mean metaphor? :geek:

  11. I'm not evilI just like to strip farm
  12. No I miss spelledits ruinedkaname
  13. *misspelled

    There that's better. 