Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Azza, Jun 14, 2018.

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  1. Draw #2 Entry EXP 17th June 9am GMT

    After positive feedback and support etc, it’s back with better chances plus Powerball! Make sure you read the few changes below.

    What’s up for grabs with STRIKE this week? 3 Bentos! (rolled over from draw #1)

    How to enter STRIKE
    • Send 1 chibi to myself, Azza with one number 0 - 200.
    • Post on this thread.
    • To enter the optional bonus POWERBALL, scroll down.
    Thats it!


    (NEW) What’s up for grabs with POWERBALL? 4 Bentos

    Note: POWERBALL is optional

    How to enter POWERBALL
    • Enter PIMD LOTTERY.
    • Send 1 Chibi to myself, Azza with one number 0 - 200 and the word “Powerball”.
    Thats it!

    Powerball numbers example

    How it works / Rules (No TL;DR sry)

    -If no winner(s), prize will rollover for next draw.
    -STRIKE winner(s) must have matching number.
    -POWERBALL winner must have both STRIKE and POWERBALL matching numbers.
    -If multiple winners, pot will be broken and sent appropriately to winners.
    -POWERBALL entries must already have entered STRIKE or entry will be void and will revert to STRIKE entry.
    -Winning numbers will be randomly generated and all numbers generated must match your numbers sent to my gift box.
    -Entries received after the cut of time will not be accepted and wont be refunded.
    -Winner will be announced on winning thread, winners wall.
    -All profit/chibi/bentos made go straight back into next draw
    -STRIKE and POWERBALL does stack

    Previous draws

    Draw #1 Prize pot = 2 Bentos

    Good Luck!

  2. Entered
  3. I’m entering both. Thank you!
  4. Enter both, here goes 2 chibis
  5. Entered both! Ty
  6. What if there are duplicate numbers?
  7. The numbers must match the generated number. In any order. Any users with duplicate numbers will have prize split appropriately. Think i covered it all in the “how it works” section
  8. Entered both! -2 chibis ?
  9. Ye but you didn't tell us how there could be "multiple winners" :c
  10. Entered trying my luck ?️
  11. The answer is in the “how it works” section
  12. That's like my lecturer saying "The answer is in the book".
  13. Entered + Powerball
  14. Entered both ?
  15. How is the winning number picked?
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