join skulls and bones

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by EddieDjInsannity, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. We are a secret society and we are recruiting new members 10k cs and up. Do not miss this chance for it won't come again. We will grow strong as a family until we are #1. Wall me for interview.
  2. U don't qualify req so is ok
  3. Plus skulls and bones? Thats just weird.
  4. Lol I'm underage
  5. Weird because u dont understand what skull and bones is. Is pretty cool actually might wanna google it.
  6. Anyone wall me if interested. We rank 186 already and it was just created yesterday. We couod make it to top 50 no time.
  7. Anyone wall me if interested. We rank 186 already and it was just created yesterday. We couod make it to top 50 no time.
  8. I know what it is:0
  9. Doesn't seem much of a secret if you posted it on here for everyone to know about lol
  10. am i right? Lol
  11. Everyone is supposed to know about it no1 is supposed to know what goes inside the club..
  12. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
  13. "Blah blah blah "  no need to be so arrogant 
  14. What he said ^
  15. Love u Alice 