What are you going to be?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LittleMissP, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. So what are you guys gonna be for halloween? I still don't know what I'm going to be I might be the grim reaper or something just not a vampire I was that last year 
  2. I'm going to be sandy from spongebob 
  3. Tron 


    Hol up Hol up Hol up Hol up Hol up
    Hol up Hol up

    Whoa dere!!

    Let's capture diz moment
  5. A legit drunk person.
  6. I cant decide
  7. A tablecloth
  8. Apparently two of my lady friends are being flappers and I'm their pimp lol, should be a good time
  9. Wow lol interesting
  10. Im going as me I'm scary enough already 