Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Well My other Thread Had seemed to Lighten Up the Place a Bit so Why Not?

    And this one is a Joke Thread
    Please do Not make them Offensive
    ( try to at least )
    And don't Get offended

    Follow the Terms of Use on this one 

    The person below this says
    " Leo has a Secret Crush on flying Squirrels "
  2. Leo has a secret crush on 

  3. I love Penguins

    Breacer has 11 Toes...
    7 on one and 4 on the other
  4. That would be cool

  5. That would be freaky w
  6. Lol

    Why no one is posting?

  7. Me me!! Do me!!! Lol
  8.  Ate the remains of Bin Laden
  9. Stuffed my little pony 
  10. thinks justin bieber has "talent".....

  11. Ate my monkey
  12. Has a crush on Darkrose1908
  13. Is Barack obamas son 
  14.  Is a professional Lady GaGa impersonator
  15. He is a federal spy^^^
  16.  secretly an 'escort' 
  17. likes to pee on chickens
  18. likes to eat 
  19. Leo!
    @Person Above "Ate "
    Poor Guy!