 Chewing gum... OH~!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *CheekyChloe (01), Oct 1, 2011.

  1. Hell yes. That's me getting turned on by chewing gum. 

    Ever since I got my famned braces, I wasn't allowes to chew my favorite gum.

    Wirgley's Airwaves blackcurrant refreshing flavor. 

    I never knew...


    Those four months... No gum... CHEWING NOTHING BUT MY OWN NAILS! 

    Lol jk, that's... Disgusting. 

    So yeah.


    And two lore hours until I have to leave PIMD. :/

    So blurt out anything sexy you can think of before I leave.

    And yep. I'm gunna condomfy the party once I'm back. 

    No doubt about it!

    Just wait until The Precious G Metal is BACK! 

    -swooshes hair-


    This sexy ass needs to make an entrance. 


    *cough* *cough*

    So yeah. Last thread for about a month maybe? =_=
  2.  last thread, saddd anywhoot I luv gum
  3. No, you can't leave for a month ,_,

  4. Oh don't worry. Forums won't be as random and sexy as they used to be, but y'all be patient. ._.
  5. I chewed gum even when I had braces. 
  6. ._. I'm getting my phone back today since my grades shot up
    One problem

    I can't play PimD on it! >.<

    I can do it easily
  7. Er..
    I can sneak it*
    I have no idea why I put "I can do it easily" lol
  8. There's a 1% chance I'll ever get a Facebook account...
  9. why are you leaving
  10. Family ltoblems. =_=
  11. Oh and Isaac hates your guts, and he said I should be with you.... ._.
  12. Scratch and 0.0
    Damn my brain IS NOT working today
  13. Goldy are we hubby and wife now?
  14.  He really said that? =_=
  15. Yeah Jerry. -.-"

    I guess.
  16. Well not the first part :grin: