3 best things about your life

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hill_, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Ok, I came to forums to say hi but I thought that I could make a fun thread as well.

    Ok so here's what to do: say 3 facts that you like about your life (you can talk about anything no matter what)

    Have fun, share stories, and be happy 

    Here's the lama just invade you thought I would forget


  2. My friends,my brother and somethin my friend did.
  3. Me, myself and I
  4. ... :0

    iPhone, my dog, and God. :$
  5. Myself, family, and looking forward going away to college soon
  6. Cookies. Evil Clowns. Chuck Norris
  7. Music, friends, longboarding
  8. Mines are really my family, friends, and dog :)
  9. My gorgeous wife, my mates, all of Sophies friends

  10. Btw I'm open farm
  11. My brother, my sensei, and my pupils.
  12. Twilight,One Direction and Louis Tomlinson
  13. Video Games-My mind for computers and programming-Family
  14. Family *and friends
  15. Someone say cookies? 

    Hhhhiiiiiilllllll <3 *no homo*
  16. God, my parents and two people I've met on here
  17. My awesome job, my Friends, and my awesome G/F
  18. Swimming, Music, Friends/Family
  19. Ronan Parke,Louis Tomlinson,Justin Bieber.
  20. Khris, you resemble the teenage sheep. .-.