
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jerk123123, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Who doesn't love grandparents?

    I love my grandparents, but sometimes they act a little crazy. Sometimes its funny, other times its beyond embarrassing.

    I thought it would be funny to hear about each other's grandparent stories. Who's grandma is (or was) the nagiest? Who's grandpa said the funniest, but most embarrassing thing? Share your grandparent stories make me laugh?

    I'll start off My grandma hates bad words and swearing. She hates them so much that in her book, the word butt is a horrible swear. If she ever hears me or anyone else say it, she starts going on a rant about language?. The funny part is, she occasionally swears too, but if you ever point that out to her she'll tell you that your mind is just so dirty that you imagined it and that she doesn't even have that word in her vocabulary.

    My grandpa is the one who provides endless embarrassing moments in my family. We were once driving and we needed to get gas for the car but couldn't find a gas station. So what did he do? My grandpa stopped the car by some random lady and started yelling "GAS STATION. GAS STATION. WHERE GAS STATION?" Mind you, his english is not the best so the lady he was yelling at had trouble understanding what he was saying and in a freaked out manner had to ask my grandpa to repeat himself. For that she got another round of "GAS STATION. GAS STATION." ...

    I do love my grandparents.

    Now tell me about yours!


  2. Support. I can relate. Now Hire me 
  3. I dont get the point of that Tom & Jerry picture
  4. Washing that duuurrty mouth
  5. Im poor now, but can I actually once I earn money?
  6. and exactly to wash the bad words away
  7. My grandparents just did the ice bucket challenge  they're pretty hip
  8. Never knew any of my grandparents.  but yeah I tell people to always respect theirs and be lucky that they got the chance to know theirs, you never know when they'll be taken away.
  9. Didn't know my grandpa. Grandma was up we sweet woman. Blind so when I'd count her money or tell her how much she got from the gov. She'd give me $5 for the ice cream truck. RIP. I miss you grandma I love you to the moon and back
  10. Them* not theirs the second time around. ?
  11. One set is dead. I can't really understand the other because they don't speak English…
  12. Aww, she does sound sweet.️
  13. yeah, thats good advicegrandparents amazing if you have them!
  14. My Grandpa is the best person I had growing up. He was a father to me when mine walked out. He took me and my sister sledding in the winters, made homemade hot cocoa that was so hot even in after sledding we had to put the thermos in the snow to cool it down. He's 100% Italian, likes to bust peoples balls. He teases in a fun way. He's the one who taught me how to ride a bike, who paid for my private school and gave me a good male role model to look up to. He took tapes of me when I was a baby so I could hear them later in life. He used to take out his fake teeth and chase me around the house like a monkey lmao. He was very active, always walking, retired and played the accordion religiously, until he had a stroke a few years ago.

    Now he's in a wheel chair and can't use his right arm. It's sad to see him now and remember how he was, but I'll never forget how important he was and still is to me. I LOVE my grandpa.

    Won't even mention the rest bc my family is fucked up and he's the only one worth mentioning.

    Oh...and my Grandpa is the cutest grandpa ever.

  15. I love all old people  so I volunteer at a retirement home and all the little oldies are adorable  love them. And I love my little oldies too  especially my grandpa because he's awesome. And bro fists me. And also listens to rap (I've witnessed this) so here's a picture I took with them a few months ago 

    My grandpa was kinda confused as to what was going on  she doesn't understand selfies 
  16. Mine was too lol. I said "selfie time,Grandpa" and he's like huh?
  17. You have to love grandparents :) especially when they eat soap :lol:
  18. Mandi, he sounds like an amazing person, And the picture is cute.
  19. thats funny Sasha! And thats also a cute picture!