Easy Game Try It

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *CheekyBunny (01), Nov 16, 2011.

  1. Try it easy.

    How-I say,"cool or ugly.then somebody has to say,"cool,or instead ugly"."chicken or dog".

    They have to ask two problems like,"dude or dudette and cht or wall."

    And a player has to say dudette if their a girl and another player say wall.

    I start First.Chicken or Dog.
  2. Chicken

    Me or Me??
  3. surf or swim
  4. Surf

    Love me or hate you
  5. Love me

    Chicken or cat
  6. Will u remember me in two years?three thousand years?four million years?

    Knock knock.
  7. Two years!!

    Poop or pee?
  8. Jerry
    Hell or hell
  9. No  live or die
  10. Vampires
    Ice cream or candy
  11. Ice-Cream 
     Beer or Tequila??