<looks at mods> <waves hand> "this is not the catpoop you are looking for" "you will free catpoop" "go about your business"
Don't know what he is accused of doing, but there are VERY few players on here that I don't just like but respect... Poop is high on that list. Excellent player, great club owner and LCBC... that should be taken into account!!!!! FREE
FREE POOP REASONS: 1) Just like me, he says it how it is! He'd rather tell u straight up than beat around the bush 2) He's a wise crack! Gives ppl and is one to take it 2 (no flying turds please) 3) He helps ppl, the PIMD community and he's built his club from scratch! 4) His username is hilarious! here, there, bloody everywhere! 5) He'll call u out on anything if ur an idiot.. If he's an idiot, it's coz he let u take a cheap shot 6) I've ran out of more to say but the head's helped me so here's me returning ur back to ya!