Penguins Dolphins

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Instant-_-Coffee, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. I like penguins and dolphins. they are so purtty. I wish I had one of each. "Um excuse me, why are we talking about u wanting a dolphin and a penguin? I thought u were gonna tell..." SHUT THE HELL UP BEFORE I BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF U!!! "I'm sorry!!" U better be. Hey is that lemonade? "Wait no that's my piss!" sure whatever *drinks bottle of piss* "Um... Oh whatever. He'll find out in 3...2...1..." This lemonade taste weird*Barfs on random dude who pissed in a bottle*
    Wall me comments!  This was random.
  2. Uhhh...cool story, bro?
  3.  interesting...
    Lol random indeed! 
  4. Kinda funny lol need to work on organizing ur randomness in a better way 