Hello forums. This is the first guide I've ever made and more than likely it will be the last.. I'm going to teach you how to use colored fonts in forums The easy hard way! So I'm just going to get started. The forums font colors are controlled by Hexadecimal codes. The default is black and there are near 140 shortcut colors you can pick from when using color=X] however there are over 16 million colors you can create using the actual code and not the color name shortcut. To do this you'll need to know how the code itself works and how to convert between decimal and hexadecimal DISCLAIMER: THIS INVOLVES SIMPLE MATH. SOME OF YOU MAY NOT BE UP TO THE CHALLENGE. Without further pointless chatter, I will explain how the code itself works. Hexadecimal color codes are made up of a combination of 6 characters. The character can be any combination of the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-F The code has 3 parts that determine the color values of the pixels.. The first two digits are the red value, the second two are the green value, the last two are the blue value. The ranges of the intensity of these 3 colors are 0-255 in terms of real numbers. So 0,0,0 would make white while 255,255,255 would make black. Basically #RRGGBB This is the basic format for your color codes. To make your own color you need to know how these colors mix together and how to convert between decimal and hexadecimal, which is explained below. TURN BACK NOW IF MATH MAKES YOUR HEAD HURT This is the part that is going to make this entire thread pointless because nobody will care to do this. I shall carry on, nonetheless. Hexadecimal numbers count as such. The number on the left is decimal and the number on the right is hexadecimal 0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4 5-5 6-6 7-7 8-8 9-9 10-A 11-B 12-C 13-D 14-E 15-F To better explain this I will write out the instructions and then put a random color into code as an example. I will also color the red, green, and blue steps to make it easier to understand. Step 1: Pick 3 numbers between 0 and 255. These are your rgb values. Step 2: Divide each of the 3 numbers by 16. Leave any remainder alone. Step 3: write your answer in hexadecimal. It is important to put the "#" symbol in front of your 6 digit combination. If you don't, the system will not recognize the code and it will not work. Your code should be in this format. #XXXXXX It is important that you keep your answers in order. It can be the difference between posting green when you wanted red Now I will show you how this works with a random color 1st step: I start with a random color configuration. I will use 237/42/168 2nd step: I divide each by 16 and don't divide remainders. 237/16=14 with a remainder of 13. 42/16=2 with a remainder of 10. 168/16=10 with a remainder of 8. 3rd step: Now, simply take your 2 numbers you get for each red, green, and blue, and using the decimal to hexadecimal number line I wrote for you earlier, write out the answer. It would be #ED2AA8 And the color we just made looks like this. I understand this is for the most part useless and confusing but once you get the hang of it, it's easier to do this than to guess at getting a color code shortcut right. Hate if you want. I made this simply because nobody else has made an advanced color text guide. If you have any questions just ask me. Ill help if you're willing to listen. Ex out.
If that were a possibility I would have much preferred writing a guide for that. Explaining hex without talking is easier read than done.
Read this from the first word to the last, if i used colors i totally would use this Awesome guide!