Basic Guide to PvP

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Preach, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. What's up my people, before I do a sexy thread title I just want to say...
    Learn how to PvP quickly :p

    Welcome, to the....

    Basic Guide to PvP

    What is this guide about?
    The basics of PvP, these can also be used in war and farming! ;)

    This will teach you the basics of Player vs Player and commonly known
    as PvP.

    Parts of this Guide

    1. Tracking
    A. How to track
    2. The Fight
    A. Strategies
    B. Tips
    3. The End of the Fight


    This is one, if not the most important thing in a PvP.
    Tracking is not only for finding their activity, but finding their sleep
    time. Tracking is the best way to be dominant in your PvP.

    If you know the opponent's sleep time, you can hit them without inc.

    Well, for a while that is XD

    Part A- How to Track

    Tracking is a simple method. Used not only in PvP, but in
    Farming, OSW, and War. It's not complex and shouldn't take you very long.

    Ok, so the most basic way is by watching there battle stats.



    From here just check their stats every 30 minutes and see if
    it's gone up.

    Note if you fail a hit they will gain 1 victory so be sure to remember
    when you fail a hit!

    So if you see that their battle stats don't go up between say
    10pm to 8am then you have a rough estimate of their sleep time.

    Another good thing is to try and find the regen time of your opponent.
    Easiest way to do that is to hit them until they are OTW/DTW(Opponent too
    weak/defender to weak) and hit them every minute, wait until you are
    successful in a hit.

    So say you successfully hit them at 11:33 and they went OTW/DTW at 11:28
    then their regen time would be 11:28-11:33 or :28-:33

    Note: If they use a DN(Doctors Note) there regen will be redone. So it's
    good to re-check daily.

    The Fight

    This section will cover the most important part.


    Learn the tips,tricks, and strategies of fighting a PvP and learn the
    simplest ways to be the dominant.


    We all know the only way to win is to fight, but there is always
    more than one way to fight. The simplest strategy and most commonly used is
    where you basically just use up all your strength/intelligence in a matter
    of minutes. It's quick and prevents you from receiving a crap ton of hits
    but it does have it's downfall. For one it's harder to keep him pinned when
    you are low on strength/intelligence. Plus it's an easy way for the
    opponent to keep you pinned. So it's good to use for a little while, but
    you'll need DN if you plan on winning.

    Another common way is the 'Self Pin' method. Basically if your opponent is
    giving you a lot of inc. Just start hitting him using no pots until you are
    out of strength/intelligence. This keeps you safe from losing too much
    cash, but you'll need DN or you'll be an easy pin until his sleep time.
    Which could also be yours.

    A lesser used strategy it is the 'skim' strategy. Basically you lay out 3-5
    hits on him and hope he only attacks you as many times as you did. This has
    problems and isn't an effective way of winning but does throw them off on
    your times. It's good to hit randomly so they don't pick up your regen
    time. DN do help but only needed if you have massive inc.

    B. Tips

    Here are a few simple tips for you in a PvP.

    *Tutors, tutors help you gain more cash and make you stronger. The dominant
    player will be the one with the most Tutor stat bonus. So stock up on
    Tutors to help your chances!

    *Stripping, stripping is another term for hiring the opponents tutors and
    then take the cash by hitting him. It's affective if you have cash, and it
    helps to have DN.

    *Trash talking, I don't encourage this, but it does help rage the other
    player and get him to pin himself quicker. Just make sure you keep it
    ToU friendly.

    *Using your resources, basically you play dirty and get others to
    'secretly' hit him during your PvP. This makes it a Persons vs Person and
    defeats the purpose of the PvP but if you're losing and you're a sore
    loser, this is a good plan. But the opponent will usually bring in his own
    reinforcements as well!

    The End of the Fight

    Sooner or later one of you will give up and the fight will
    end. Or will it? That's up to you, will you grant a cf or will you be a
    merciless attacker and continue pinning him? From here on it's your game.
    Choose wisely, because your PvP could turn into the next massive PIMD club

    Please help me on making this better and be the best possible guide by
    helping me add or fix mistakes in this guide. Thank you for reading and see
    you on the flip side!

    These strategies can also be used in farming and war.
  2. Nice job, some spelling/grammar mistakes but not too many. Maybe you should also define some stuff. For example, cf or pots for the people who don't know what they are.
  3. Yes thank you, I'll be doing that right now. Also could you pm what grammar mistakes?
  4. grammer mistakes, but this is good
  5. Great job sweetie!!!
  6. Yes I will be fixing the few grammar issues I see and add a Definition section.
  7. Wouldn't it be CVP? Club this player
  8. Nope Player vs Player, one vc one. But you can use this in that sense also in farming and such.
  9. Haha  welldone on the guide. 
  10. I have some grammar fixes I need to do but thanks.
  11. regardless dear, it looks lovely.
  12. Btw, Sticky 
  13. :D thank you Meggy for the kind words.
  14. ?The image broke when I sent in the grammar edit post, will get it edited ASAP
  15. Hmmm... Interesting. Although it should be noted that simply 1v1ing someone and keeping them pinned is very hard on pimd, without dn of course.

    Also, perhaps draw attention to the fact that tracking is, above all else, most important for planning strips, not simply hitting without returned hits.
  16. Of course, Will be editing in some stuff later. Some people have labelled some things I have missed, thanks Royale :D
  17. Bump per request.