
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Instant-_-Coffee, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. Hey Todd-E here! I just set up this quiz called Zork. U may not know this but I'll tell u: Zork is a computer quiz that gets u thinking. U can also use this as a cheat on Black Ops. U go to the computer and u type in Zork. There ya go. I bet some of u never done that before. JK, anyways... Every day I'll post a new question as well as the answer from the last. Please enjoy this quiz. First question: U are stranded in the middle of a field. There's a white house in front of u, it's all boarded up. There's a mailbox in front of the house. But u have no weapons at all. What would u do:

    A)Try to break in
    B)Open the mailbox
    C)Try to find the key
  2. A)

    ~The one who wants your babies~
  3. ¿?Any1?¿ Come on
  4. Those of u who answered this. Check out Zork part2