If a heart breaks, and no one is around to put it back together, can it still heal on it's own? Holding my bow tightly, I began to pull the string back, keeping my eyes locked on my target. Can a heart really even beat in the right rhythm, without another to harmonize with? I felt a speck of sweat slide down the side of my face, as I concentrated with all my might. I guess I had found out the hard way. Letting go of the string I watched as my arrow shot through the air, piercing through my victim in seconds. He yelled out in agony, blood squirting from his chest, and mouth. I closed my eyes for a second, taking some breaths, listening as the man continued to scream, and sob, but finally all was silent. I opened my eyes, taking in the man, laying on his back, as still as the night sky I stood under. I approached the man, pressing my foot down on his chest and with a yank I pulled my arrow out. The stupid fool. He knew better then to follow me. I wasn't save to be around, ever. He let his feelings decide his fate. So the answer can't truly be answered, at least not from him. He had loved, but had been killed before he had lost. I was doing him a favor. Everyone should be saved from the curse of love. It only caused pain, and suffering. Wiping the blood off my arrow on the man's shirt I turned into the shadows, walking back towards my home. My work was never done around here. Although it was hard killing all of these innocent people, I at least knew I was only saving them from something worse then death itself. Love. Bump? Does anyone like this at all?
If you wish on every star in the sky for centuries, will your wish ever come true? Silently walking into my house, I scanned the area, finding a folder sitting on my kitchen counter. I walked to it, opening it, to look inside. There was a neat, thick, stack of cash inside. I took it with a crack of a smile, but as I saw what was behind it I cringed, falling to my knees in agony, tears already sliding down my cheeks. It was a picture of him.. The one who has destroyed my heart, soul, and mind so completely that I couldn't be completely fixed. I crumpled to the floor, not having the energy to move, not being able to move with this intense pain stabbing at my heart. Patch. The name cut me like a dagger, and assaulted my mind with memories of us together. It was all his fault I was like this, it was why I do what I do. To save the people from the kind of pain he had put me through by loving him. He was the one monster I could not yet kill, but I would one day, I would finally be free of him. Looked out the window, I looked up at the stars. All the years of agony, the wishing on those stars that Patch would come back. He never did. I again had to learn this the hard way. Forcing myself up off the floor, I walked back to my room, laying down with some winces. I turned my face to look up at the moon. No matter were he was out there.. He could see this same moon, that's how close he was. I let the tears run freely now, not trying to hold them back anymore. If you cry every night for years, would you drown in your own tears? Sometimes I had wished that was possible. Bump? I need some characters Name: Age: Personality: Appearance: How they know the main character: Species:
If you wish on every star in the sky for centuries, will your wish ever come true? Silently walking into my house, I scanned the area, finding a folder sitting on my kitchen counter. I walked to it, opening it, to look inside. There was a neat, thick, stack of cash inside. I took it with a crack of a smile, but as I saw what was behind it I cringed, falling to my knees in agony, tears already sliding down my cheeks. It was a picture of him.. The one who has destroyed my heart, soul, and mind so completely that I couldn't be completely fixed. I crumpled to the floor, not having the energy to move, not being able to move with this intense pain stabbing at my heart. Patch. The name cut me like a dagger, and assaulted my mind with memories of us together. It was all his fault I was like this, it was why I do what I do. To save the people from the kind of pain he had put me through by loving him. He was the one monster I could not yet kill, but I would one day, I would finally be free of him. Looked out the window, I looked up at the stars. All the years of agony, the wishing on those stars that Patch would come back. He never did. I again had to learn this the hard way. Forcing myself up off the floor, I walked back to my room, laying down with some winces. I turned my face to look up at the moon. No matter were he was out there.. He could see this same moon, that's how close he was. I let the tears run freely now, not trying to hold them back anymore. If you cry every night for years, would you drown in your own tears? Sometimes I had wished that was possible. Bump? I need some characters Name: Age: Personality: Appearance: How they know the main character: Species:
Lol it's ok. Keep writing, and I can be a character? Kristofer Raven (Usually just called Raven) Age: any you want Black hair, brown eyes, tall and thin. Apart from that, I'll be however you want me to be.