
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *X-Fawn-X (01), Oct 25, 2011.

  1. Seeking. "I Wake Up" "Where Am I"I Wonder"
     "I See Am In A Forest"I Wonder Why I Am Here" . I Hear An Voice> Ur Seeking>Me> 4 What! Tell Me Please I Beg".
    . I Get Up And Brush The Leaves Off Off My Back And Start To Wander Around. . SomeThing Grabs Me Pushes Me Into Something> I Hear An "I Got Her"
    I Cry Help But Suddenly I Lose Control I Pass Out. Should I Continúe? Tell Me Thx ~Katelyn
  2. I am serious same as on Off Topic! Grammar and mechanics!!!!!! I literally CANNOT make sense of what was written
  3. im sorry but i agree with fox.
  4. God...

    How old is OP!?
  5. Wow It Did Suck Crap Srry Phones Messed up
  6. Ashlee Look At Redone This one Sucks