? Hey all, I'm here to tell you there is going to be another war for everyone to join, any stats! What is this war for? Which side should I sign up for? ..Well this war is going to be against the East Coast and the West Coast in the US. If you live on the East Coast you'll sign up for the East Coast side. If you live on the West Coast the you'll sign up for the West Coast side! But what if I don't live in the US, but still want to join the war? No worries, just select a random side and we'll try to put you on that side! This war is for everyone. The Details! the war will be declared on November 28th at 10PM on the dot! The war will start at 6AM on November 29th! This is not a SF war, but SFing is allowed. SF at your own risk though! THIS IS AN UNLOCKED ROSTER WAR! ? I don't care what happens during or after the war. Just don't cry about it. If you aren't ready, don't join. Also, don't start what you can't handle. ? ❗ Absolutely no outside hits before or during the war. If you'd like to participate, join the club. ❗ Mercs are allowed. Just don't turn this into a pwar. NO LEAKING If you can't make the war wall me or -_A_-SpeemInYourEye_FebrezeAss ? In the beginning you will all be matched, but when war is declared it's any mans game. ? There is no KCS limit, everyone has an equal opportunity to war. ✅ HAVE FUN ✅ Heads-Up: ? This war will be intense. If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the war zone. ? If you wish to join, post below with your usernames, Kcs,
If you wish to join, post below with your usernames, Kcs, and the side you want to be on. Thank you for your time! -_A_-SpeemInYourEye_FebrezeAss will be the leader of the West Coast war club, And I'll be the leader of the East Coast war club! Hope to see you all there! If you have any further questions post below! Please don't sign up if you aren't going to be present at the war on the day it is declared!!
I've lived in the west coast for more than half of my life but I now live on the east coast. So I guess I'll just do east coast since it'll be better for the time zone. FallenAngel 96kcs (I think)