I'll start. Like: half the people in the PIMD community. Dislike: half the people in the PIMD community. jk On a serious note, Like: PIMD is an ethnic pool. It's pretty neat getting to know someone from different places around the world. Dislike: BIG clubs. MOST big clubs treat it like it's a damn business. too many BS rules. Lol takes away all the damn fun. Ps. If you got anything bad to say bout me; do yourself a favor and go suck a .
Likes: the nice ppl that swim in the pool that is pimd and I also like hugs (u gotta love hugs) Dislike: the dirtbags that poop in the pool of pimd
Likes- community Dislike- The monotony of the game. All new players or resets get collies to the same amount and get the same stats and do the same thing. It needs to spice things up like KaW. On KaW it is very rare to see people coat the same and apart from starting out, stats are extremely varied because there is attack, defense, spy attack, and spy defense. There needs to be an Epic XXXXXX system. It's a great way to make money and is much more satisfying than hitting a farm.
Like: people that r kind basically the community Dislike: farmers, tramps, beggars, idiotic noobs, and more