The Better Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -AD_C4_Is_The_Bomb_, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. This game is simple and yes a repeat but, none of the old ones are active or well explained! So...

    How to play- The first player says "Apple or Pear?"

    The next player says "Pear!
    McDonalds or Burger King?"

    The next player says "Burger King!
    Alaska or Texas"
    So on...

    Ok I will start!

    Food or Drink
  2. drink
    beer or wine
  3. Beer

    Boy or girl?
  4. Girl

    Dog or cat
  5. Dog!

    Bird or fish?
  6. Oh god. Sexy. 

    cute or good soul??
  7. Mac

    Snakes or spiders
  8. Snakes

    Plane or boat?
  9. plane

    coke or pepsi
  10. Pepsi

    Milk or juice
  11. Coke FTW

    Diet or regular??
  12. Diet!

    Cheaper or better?
  13. Better

    Tree or bush
  14. Tree!

    Fire or Water
  15. Fire

    Day or night?