
Discussion in 'Fan Creations' started by EL-Dorado, Jan 21, 2022.

  1. PIMDans.. just one question. If you ever get 500 pimd gamers support to protest again ATA. WHAT WILL BE THE REASON? & THE SLOGAN?

    Best answer will get Best ####

    Obsessica likes this.
  2. Pretty sure we had that many people protest when RS's we're introduced. #WhatIsAGameWithoutPlayers still changed nothing. Sad times.

    But I'm always down to protest again. Ata sucks
    EL-Dorado likes this.
  3. Wait people protested against stat relationships? Why? It benefits players.
  4. Seriously and EL-Dorado like this.
  5. Muschi likes this.
  6. Yeah. I'm not sure what Campus and other forms of communication looked like at the time, and if they had more outstanding complaints. I do think its funny to see people upset about a feature that we'd be basically up-in-arms about if ATA decided to remove today, though!
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  7. So many people would lose their shit
    Seriously, Muschi and EL-Dorado like this.
  8. Muschi and DinosAreTheOldestCars like this.
  9. The majority of people were against anything that made this game seem more like a dating app. And you gotta admit, relationships make this seem like a dating game.
    V_Witchy_101 and Seriously like this.
  10. True. Some people think of them as real relationships. I’m currently in one with my actual boyfriend so
  11. #BstandsForBillionsofPimdBucks
  12. Bbbbbbbbbentos