❄️Would You Rather?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sup_, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. I got bored of the Girl vs Boys game so here you go?
    This game is pretty simple. We all(most) should know it as a childhood game. Name is pretty self explanatory. But if you never heard or forget here is how you play:

    Someone asks a question and you have to choose which one you would do (out of 2 options)
    Would you rather lick peanut butter off a hobo's foot or eat a sand which with 8 spiders in it?

    You would just say which one you would do instead of the other. Pretty simple.

    To keep this thread running I decided to have you participate too. After saying which one you would rather you would make up your own for the next person to awnser and make a new one and so on... I guess I will start first.

    Would you rather be a strong yet feared leader by his/her subjects or be a nice, kind, regular leader?
  2. First.
    Would you rather suck a dick or two dicks?
  3. I would suck one dick.

    Would you rather let me fuck you in the pussy or asshole?
  4. No dirty ones. It's a rule. If you post you would be asked to leave the thread.

    Would you rather be scared of Clowns or Tight Spaces?
  5. Clowns ?
    Would you rather jump off a cliff or be Kim Ks bae

  6. jump off a cliff

    i saw kim k's video

    i dont wanna have stds.

    but she's hot so....ill jump with her
  7. Would you rather be in a room with Hitler or Kim jong un?
  8. "Kim Jong. IN"
  9. Uhhhh I'll share a room with the asterisks.

    Would you rather explain to your mother how people rp on this game or reset?
  10. Depending if it's normal roleplay then yes. But I have a low enough stats so probably resetting depending in the type.

    Would you be locked in a tiger for 1 minute or get chased by a mob of fangirls?
  11. Give me the tiger. We can make a miger. That's with a m so don't act stoopid.

    Would you rather assassinate Kim or Nikki?
  12. Since you didn't specify which Kim and Nikki I'll take Kim Jong un

    Would you rather never again cut your hair (including facial and body hair)


    Place a toothpick under your toenail and kick the wall as hard as you can
  13. The first one

    Will you eat curry with chocolate ice cream


    Eat a cooked centipede with raw dead worms
  14. My bad. Manaj or Kardashian.
  15. Ummm cooked centipede
  16. Would you rather have a wife with a johnson


    Date a man xD
  17. Date a man doesn't have to get serious ?

    Would you rather not shower for a month


    Quit pimd for a week :lol:
  18. Quit pimd for a week ;o

    Question: would you rather be my dino hubby? Or be alone forever as a dino? :D
  19. The first one

    Would you rather be a magical frog or be a magical rabbit.:lol:
  20. Magical frog!!

    Would you be forced to watch three hungry men devour your favorite food, or eat the food you hate?

    [Yea I'm hungry].