ASIAN CAMPUS STATISTICS As you all know, there are 2 campuses, aka World Chats, in PIMD. One is called the Asian campus and the other is called the US campus (even though there are people aside from these places in it). Pretty strange, eh? :shock: :shock: Well, I’m here to tell you a few statistics from my observations in the Asian campus :geek: Umm, no I guess I don’t have anything better to do if that’s what you’re thinking. I wouldn’t be here if that was the case :lol: :lol: Anyway..... An average of 3 messages are posted to the campus in every 1 second :shock: (ikr ? so active) On average, the word RP is used in every 12 messages (yaas, RP ) Every 60 seconds, one or more players look for a relationship The ratio of English messages to other languages is 6:1( inglis ftw) You’ll see a mod in campus approximately every 8 minutes(not always ) There’ll be an ‘UPDATE’ about every 30 seconds There is one lame joke posted in every 2 minutes ( ye, imagine how many I read during this analysis :cry: ) There are more people with female avatars compared to male ones ( excluding the nubby avatars ofc) A club banner appears every 19 seconds (approximately) :? A message containing a censored word is sent in every 2 minutes ( people be bypassing a lot :lol: ) The most used emoji’s are , and ?(i guess) That’s all from me. It took me a couple of days to find these and they might not be perfect, since numbers could change every day, but this is approximate right :ugeek: Here are a few fun facts about PIMD: PIMD was globally released on 22nd December 2010 USA has the most number of players in the game. There are 30 active mods in the game right now (but I wonder where most of them are) :roll: There are 4 active Honor Students right now and 6 Honor Students in total Special Thanks: PA_DragonLily-and RevolutionaryWolf?? BYE?
I'm from Antarctica & i dont even know such server existed I though Campus is a public chat room ? I'm just wondering why they did that?!? Why there is no Germany campus chat,Brazil campus? Russian campus? Why only asian & u.s ? ?
'Asian' campus is pretty much for any country that isn't a native English speaking country. 'USA' campus includes all native English speaking countries. To my knowledge, the whole European continent are in Asian campus, with the exception of the U.K., because, English. There's also a blip that some of us Brits seem to find whereby on wifi we're in USA campus but once we turn to 3 or 4G, we move to Asian campus and apparently vanish from ata's radars so someone once told me. It sends me personally into ghost mode. I can only see Asia campus but all my posts appear in USA campus. Weird
I call them Eastern and Western Campus in my head. Also these statistics must vary by hour, and I doubt you have statistics for a full, 24/hour day. So just wondering when you recorded the data