Discussion in 'Wars' started by sexyJDON, May 28, 2013.

  1. ★★I am out on the hunt for a volley partnar that is willing to give up just 200mil that's all I need★★


    Looking for a perm pupil.Who is able to guide me in the right way who could save sometime to volley with me like at least 5 times a mouth
  2. Why aren't you silenced for spamming forums yet??
  3. Plz do not spam forum use wc for that
  4. He's silenced he cant use wc
  5. He isn't silenced lol, read his profile status better!
  6. lmao he got me
  7. Pay attention to detail's then you wouldn't be fooled
  8. Almost got me tbh lol
  9. But 4 threads now in like an hour? Deserves a forum ban, the forums don't need to be filled with more trash threads and spammed threads.
  10. My god this person sounds like me
    Pushy and expects a pupil to give at least 5 volleys