‼️‼️MERC GUIDE‼️‼️

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by __Cece__, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. This Guide will teach you how to MERC and why MERC LIFE is the BEST LIFE!

    This goes without saying but PRIORITIZE 💎 EC 💎 parties ( 🐈 /🍕) before anything🔸

    🐈🐈🐈>>> Hunt Parties >>> 🍕🍕🍕

    Why? DROP CAPS.

    Cat: 500/100
    HP: 280/60
    Kinis: 250/50


    Read all the messages to see if someone’s advertising an open cat/kini. If you’re going to be away from your phone for a bit, switch your phone off but leave PIMD running. Personal announcements disappear after 15 minutes but Club Announcement linger for more time. When you unlock your phone you should be able to see all the Campus announcements in the past hour, and see all the possible open EC parties that were announced.

    IMPORTANT: PLEASE wait at least until your energy regens or the next party is initiated before you leave. Especially near changeover, a lot of clubs like to do EC Parties B2B🔸

    After getting into a few open ECS you’ll start to see the same people joining these parties. Friend these people (or do what I do and just memorize their usernames) and follow them to see if they’re in an open EC.

    Joining merc GCs are also helpful when finding these parties🔸

    ONLY use this option at times of extreme thirst, when you REALLY feel like you’re in danger of not hitting of not hitting a “checkpoint”. Go to any club with auto join and enter. Check to see if they’ve even dropped the item yet (cuz this happens a lot) then offer the admins or dropper a gift in the club so they’ll let you stay for the party, but be prepared for a “no”. The worst case scenario (which has happened a few times to me) is that you hit the party and litterally when the party is LBH with half a bar to go, the admins finally wake from their slumber and say “SHIITt wE FoRgot tO lOck tHe DoOrs!!.!!” and start kicking people out.

    STEP 4: LBH
    At the end of the day, you gotta get your drops. Using Campus chat you can easily find Parties that are LBH. And when possible choose PPOTD LBH over POTD LBH. You’ll get more drops even if it might take a little longer.

    In general LBH is better than parking. For example if I LBH 3 times an hour at a POTD club I gain 50-70 main hunt drops each time and 150-210 drops total. But if I park myself at a club for the same amount of time, (assuming they even finish in that time) I would likely hit the drop cap and only receive 126 drops total.

    AGAIN do not leave as soon as the party is over. Sometimes clubs like to reward people who helped them finish with EC Parties🔸

    Sometimes it’s worth it to help a club unlock a party and do 3 cats/Kinis afterwards. I would only really advise doing this during the early days of a hunt and only LONG hunts. If this isn’t advertised in Campus Chat go to CampusBuzz and ask clubs who are doing “Back Alley Debut” and “Big in Japan” if they are dropping after the party. These parties are the last two needed to unlock “Pizza Pop Art” and “Cat Cafe” respectively.

    Every so often the POTD is something extremely time consuming, thus there’s not many LBHs being announced. In this case you’ll have to park yourself at a club that finishes parties quickly. Min CS stat requirement isn’t even the most important thing here, it’s club history. If the club even has one “couldn’t complete in ...” it’s probably not a good choice. But if the club finishes otaku parties in under and hour and 30 minutes it’s probably a good choice.


    Your real end goal here is to NOT pay to party, as in not trading your chibis/stat items/rare furniture for bentos to get into cat clubs and basically to retain as many stat items as you can.
  2. I really like this guide well done!
    __Cece__ likes this.
  3. Hunt party? there are two of those, POTD and PPOTD
    their respective drop rates are: 126/28 & 245/49

    also campus announcements are the scrolling messages at the top of campus, club ads are the purple messages in campus for clubs, and idk what a personal announcement is
    Voseph and Muschi like this.
  4. Personal messages are the ones the white messages, club announcements are the purple ones. We’re using slightly different words to describe the same thing. And Hunt parties are the parties like Senior Sparkler, Explosive Expert, Novelty Novice, & Bottle Rocket Rookie if you remember the July 4th hunt. They’re special EC parties that only occur that hunt. not every hunt has them.
    Buwbuw likes this.
  5. Oh, those are officially called Invite parties.
  6. Not trying to be rude but was a guide really necessary for this?
  7. as hailey said, those are invite parties, and they have very different drop rates for each tier
    Voseph, Muschi and HalloQueen like this.
  8. Sorry lol didn’t know the name
    Buwbuw likes this.
  9. i just dont understand why "hunt parties" is an overarching term and where 280/40 came from

    and if you meant invite parties then i also dont understand why theres only 1 drop rate and why potd and ppotd arent included
    Voseph likes this.
  10. I’ve only been playing this game for a few months, that’s the first invite party I saw so I assumed that’s what the drop rate was. I didn’t mention potd and ppotd because I was only talking about EC parties in that section not regular parties (they are mentioned later). I don’t know why you feel so upset because I used slightly different terminology.

    🤦🏽‍♀️these pointless arguements are literally why I hate posting threads.
    Buwbuw and BenSolo like this.
  11. I just thought it would be something people would find useful. And there no harm in that.
    Buwbuw likes this.
  12. I'm not upset, I just feel it's important for a "guide" to have accurate information and be able to get that information across clearly (typically by using commonly understood terminology)
  13. lets see. iirc, 22 inv party max story drops 880 drops. 15 inv party is 600ish. potd is 126. ppotd 245. cat is 500 and kini 250. so rly it should go 22 Invite > 15 Invite > Cat > 12 (and 7) > Kini > (7 and) 4 invite > POTD
    also parking should be put with help unlocking especially if you know you're gonna be busy so when u get back on there's a chance they're done unlocking and doing ec parties by then

    I put 7 in parentheses bc i didnt remember how much it drops exactly
  14. 🖤🔒Merc Life🔒🖤 ;)
    __Cece__ likes this.
  15. If you’ve only been playing “for a few months” then you’re not really qualified to make a guide on any form of game play, especially if you don’t even know the correct terminology.

    No offense
    -Noob-With-Boobs- and Buwbuw like this.
  16. Oh shut the fuck up, It’s a free country I can post whatever I want.
    Puma61, Buwbuw and BenSolo like this.
  17. PIMD is merely a college campus
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  18. You’re the one who’s getting triggered that I said “hunt party” instead of “invite party”. But please go on...
    Buwbuw likes this.