Separate names with a comma.
🫧🩵Looking for an RS🩵🫧 ✨About Me✨ I’m a 23 yr old female My stats are 15mcs with an even build So I’m not the best with sfw or farming I’m from...
🫧🩵Looking for an Rs🩵🫧 I’m a 23 yr old girly who just wants someone to trade gifts with! Maybe match pet names or status’ but mainly platonic 🩵🫧...
Looking for an rs 12mcs+ I just recently came back to PIMD after a break but I’m back stronger than ever! I’m single and I think I can ask out I...
Trading my celestia lvl 2 999 for storytime nook. Looking for Valentine’s Day desk, rug, and bed for now! Please feel free to send a message
Price check on celestia starlit comfort 999, its level 2 and I’m having a hard time finding someone who isn’t offering 10b
Selling all furniture in my starred area! Wall me for prices!
Buying Eleganté bookcase, wall me please! I also have furniture To trade and sell
Buying all neonland and to the max furniture except 999! Specifically the red and blue toned ones! Wall me please
Looking for an rs for a friend, message me and I’ll give you a link 19.6 mcs, Female, super fun to chat with and will max gift Looking for 20mcs
I’m 6mcs Can and will max gifts Willing to share furniture as long as it’s given back when asked for I can rp with you or chat as much as you...
I’m 6mcs Looking for 6mcs I like to talk and max gifts, if your cute and have high stats wall me I can ask
Buying Mermaid Bower Bed Divers Den Desk Party’s on Above plant Willing to trade anything from my furniture as well I’m stuck at work and I hate it
LilithReigns 6 mcs, looking for someone 6mcs and I’m willing to ask, I’d love someone strong so I can farm my current rs for my furniture back
Lemme in