Separate names with a comma.
Leave it to ata to be greedy all the time and this gift bombs suck. A waste of 50ec. keep skrewing up ata. That's atta boy
Posting the ultimate blah on wall wont make the winner happy. Everyone can post things like that specially the trolls
Only few clubs hmm. I think if pimd host the club war tournament more clubs will join. They can give stuff to the winner like a badge On your...
I say goodluck to this. Many clubs just wanna poop in party
Hmmm. Let's party then
Lol jopo you'll war anyone we're just bored anyway
I asked if can make a roster to war with your club. You didnt reply lol
Can make roster to war with your club ya?
Yea support
No beta war. How about club war tournament instead of this.
Defense wins doesnt count in vip fights lol. You can check mine lol.
Lol. Its their defense stats there's no bot
How about club war tournament
Sure raven. Just put me on wait list. Idk if i can war but i'll try
Can put on wait list? Either side
Put me on wait list?
Re: Valentine’s Day Chocolate Hunt Lol pimd_community you troll but i believe you that its doable