Separate names with a comma.
I would say something but the way my silences are set up....
Whoa whoa now don't disrespect chess now
Well espn covers it so I would say yea lol
Cupcake there's eating competitions lol so that can include chocolate
Well athletes get paid and there are professional gamers getting paid they do train and not too many possess the skill set to become a...
I just jumped to the last page didn't read the other pages so here are my two cents Just cause the items are in the show case does not necessarily...
Maybe she didn't ask friends because some friends sugar coat things getting advice from a stranger who has no obligations to spare your feelings...
Hell I wanna know now
Jeff Davis is evil! He enjoys our pain Allison will be missed I loved her even though she was a cough cough this season
Shockers ftw
Yooooooo chew thanks to you too man
Thanks monki
Lmfao thanks devil? I guess
Football the American one
Congratulations korsett and good job
Thanks rip!
all the love is appreciated and all the negativity is appreciated too means I'm doing something right lol
Thanks raven! Lol yea cat café helped the last lil bit but whatever I've been at this for awhile its still satisfying
Finally ima LCBC!!! I'd like to thank everybody that helped me mostly my ascension family for the past few months my Los amigos group Tim and...
Its understandable regardless of the grammar chill out people