Separate names with a comma.
YAY!!! I CANT WAIT!!!!! (super special agent bump)
Allie Whatever age u feel like She's tha bad girl rocker chik, in a band, skips classes, Smarta$$ Green eyes and medium length choppy, black,...
I can't sleep I am stuck with pain, The pain of knowing that I have been put to shame. Everything I cared for is gone. All I can do anymore is...
You know I can’t go on with any regret Our relationship is hard like a game of roulette We're off and on so constantly And you cheating... Come...
Lul, im sorry. I got bored so im posting a bunch of poems from my poem journal XD In a whirlwind of numbness, there is nothing but madness this...
So guys, it's sick i know but, lol, i dunno XD Here it goes Lick the open wound, Taste the blood, as it makes its way down your throat, You've...
lul, I dunno, ur pretty damn good XD I get bored
Stabbed in the back this knife won't budge attached to my heart such a fatal hug Loving the loss look at all this blood Dripping through this viel...
If your sanity is gone If your body is weak Sit down this night It is this which you seek Intruders stay not In this haven of space Their minds...
For a long time I have been a part of Illegally downloading and Illegally downloading II. I am now resetting because I don't want to keep...
And I thought you were all angst and no walk. LOVE IT MICKY! LOVE YOU! Now, for the millionth time, MARRY ME!!!
My guardian angel, once careless and free flew into the clouds, and lost touch with me her tears were cold and wet, falling on my face her smile...