Separate names with a comma.
Thank you for finally listening 😭 only took a million mistakes. These are the kinds of events that inspire people to spend and keep playing. Drops...
Yall could’ve atleast put a dog a week in the XC rewards. Make it worth the ec atleast if the avis are going to be this ugly 😭 it just gets worse....
It is 100% aligned to p2p as they stated that “only the strongest can hit the flirt bar”. I assume that means you need to be atleast a certain mcs...
So how many ec is the 5 min buff from Mollys that then adds 2 hours of extra plunder? We all know that won’t be free. You’re missing key details...
Halloween 2024- - 3 candy drops (updated to ✨7✨) for basically unattainable Avis that cost 12k, double recycled side story Avis that cost 2,400...
Ugly, recycled, and stupid. 5/5 stars for making the worst Halloween hunt in pimd history. It’s so hard to ask your community for hunt or avi...
I’m get this so pg even tho I want to literally rip someone’s head off rn. You guys have ruined Halloween this year so badly that people are fr...
A RECYCLED STORY PASS???? Really ata? What is wrong with you guys???????? I’m so over this
BIG L ALL AROUND THIS HALLOWEEN. This is probably the worst set of holiday events and promo I have seen from yall in the full 5 years I’ve been here💀
Guys they literally don’t care. They’ve proven that. Promo is over. Anything they could or would do now is pointless. Speaking of promo tho why...
not me accidentally hitting post 🗿✋ blaming ata for everything bad about my day fr. Anywayssss, the best part is if they had decided to make it...
The best part is if they’d just made it another Halloween pvp type even
Between co yesterday and today I have spent 7 hours flashing b2b. Bought 2 x2 ec boosters. Spent roughly 50 bentos and 30 ish dns (as a big player...
Still 286 parties. If you hit party with a x2 booster EVERY party. If every party is 22 inv party giving minimum 7+14. 858 parties without...
Fyi they have updated drops to a whole 7 per big inv party now :) not sure if there were any other changes cuz there’s still no acknowledgment atm
Assuming 59 4b dog flashes which would put your total at 236b to even obtain 1 candy bar by candies alone
Can we also acknowledge how x8 boost for 79ec for only TWO HOURS is batshit. That x8 does nothing for you if you’re not even getting candies every...
Cuteeee. I love the dorm and girl Avis are so cute
Where’s shards 😭 I need to make bentos ata PLEASE
Nope not yet