Separate names with a comma.
how dare you steal all the Arnold Palmers! Those are like the only thing I drink anymore I'd probably kill whoever came up with YOLO.
Conjoined twins .3.
"You is you. It's truer than true. There is no one truer than you!" - Dr Suess's (Think I might have messed it up) Clary Fray as in The Mortal...
Or firered....I was a pokèmon fanatic for a long time I grew out of it though
Pokèmon Green ftw
Anna I am to. Zay even if I was a guy I'm sure I could do better than you.
I volunteer Chase!
Chase should apply he always talks in cc about how him and zay give each other kisses.
Cal I have some neon pink nail polish you can borrow when your pink runs out
As I was reading this I started thinking "why does this sound familiar?" Then I got to the pictures when I was little this episode would scare me
Some random object is making noise Your parents decide to have a party right next to your bed room. Your little brother/sister screams their head...
(Ik I'm still technically in my noob days) Or when they are all like "I miss you!" And your like "oh......I..uhm...miss you too....?"
This is basically harassment...idc who gets silenced but all of you that have been saying these mean things to Gracie should get some sort of...
I agree with Lady_Marina's post, take this crap to pm please
I have a panda cover for my iPod and a panda hat and I use to have a bunch of panda pictures on my iPod lol
It sucks cause I have some cool emoji that I can't use.
This update was exciting until i learned that I still can't use new emoji
I'm so popular your stalking me
I'm so popular unicorns abducted me, probed me, and took me to candy land. While I was in candy land the candy cane man ate me and the only reason...