Separate names with a comma.
But you ain't got no damn sammiches!! :: cries ::
Well hot damn!... We could be a duo act! You with your 3 inch waist, and me with my 3 inch... Oh wait, on second thought, nobody's gonna pay to...
did she seriously just say ....... cheesecake? Cause ummm..... I make those
Aye..... AYE! Unless you're "new feature" got selfies.... go practice that crap on a different thread. Orrrrrr..... Go perfect it there and come...
Oh dem bones...... I got a bone that you'll ..... oh nevermind, that joke is waaaaay too obvious But fuh reals.... NO FOOD?!? WE NEED...
Taken?! What? By whom? To where? Is she ok?? WE GOTTA SAVE HER!!
Holy damn! Girl you look so good that if I ever had the chance to take you out to a nice dinner... I'd even let you get cheese on your whopper
Did laundry ..... How?! You using that new dynamite detergent?.... Cause it looks like ya hamper straight blew up all over your room ? Beard...
And it's ya day off.... Ya'd think you could use a bit of that time to clean your messy ass place! Slacker assed slacker!
I got the GaW award in my award showcase. That game was aiight. The part I loved was that people didn't cry about getting hit..... Unlike here....
I get more ass than a toilet seat!! And getting high ...... Yeah that solves everything right? Great solution you got thurr p.s. AN* excuse
Who's upset? Well aside from OP.
Awww booofreakinhoo! You know when life really sucks?? It's when you grow up and have bills, a job, going to school full time while having a... I SEE NO TRAFFIC CONES FROM CAT CAFE.... SO IT IS...
Kinda hard to be even semi active or around when ya reset. Zach was a cool dude, he gave a lot to this so called "game". Shame he had to go, but...
It's definitely weird
Ryan, your wish has been granted, but instead of the lamp.... Gotta rub the genie belly for a wish. Oh, and this is your genie [img] I wish...