Separate names with a comma.
Why is it the same avatars for 1,500 5,000 and 10,000 roses..
By far the worst hunt, over 150 keys still no good avatar thanks ata big waste of time -.- go back to where you have to collect items for avatars
Yeah they do even the mods who quit said that.... Ata doesn't give a shit what we have to say lol
Since the 100 cats are gone where are the care packs?? Because these shitty drops are pointless
Wow you could have atleast let people who won those 100 cats keep them especially since it's Christmas, so now everyone just wasted their money...
Actually the 100cats is true many are getting them
100 cats o.o
What happened to the new avatars and the care packages
Incase you all didn't know only way for you to get premium avatars is to not sleep or go to work they simply want you to waste your life on here...
Wtf?? I've played more than a year
Dam can we have a break for hunts?
I fell asleep hit 7 times got tattoo artist next day hit 7 times fell asleep got poker shark then later on ata gives me two free avatars
I rather have it at 10 and get atleast one out of 10 avatars rather than doing 9 parties and not get a single drop.... Actually now avatars don't...
Really sucks when people who only hit once or twice gets an avatar but others who played through the whole party don't gett anything and then the...
Great job with your false advertisement
This is bs not in five parties we have one drop since you so call made it 5x drop rate.....we were barely getting any avatars without it now it...
Should have been poker shark instead of activist but oh well thanks.
Always complaining everytime, they're not forcing you to buy cats they're giving something back to those who do buy cats, it's simple you don't...
Shina some people have 8-9k
Cc noob? I've been playing way before cc came