Separate names with a comma.
One of my friends got mad, and said.." That's because my mics in my mouth"..."That's what she said" x3
What about lucky people? .-.
Get the latest flu, it gives you one helluva fever xD
Oh, I'm on a boat with a couple of whacko's, shaking my hips and my fat toe, dippin' in the wataaah! In the wataaaah! This parties getting hotter!...
...Im a CPU fan. No idea about you guys, but I'd like the ps4 ^-^ By the way, if your looking for a new halo. "All our creators r belong to us"...
Children of this generation are easily scared and mentally hurt in anyways. .-. But that's a helluva great idea. xD
You mentioned a third party "app"... I think.
Sad face. cx Well, your not a loner. So congrats. I somehow got addicted to the .w. face after some depression I had. -_-"
Friend hunt...Bleh. ._." I don't need friends cx I have my corner, the Internet...and other things. .w.
Yes, I know Dino. .w."
The threads a joke. I have plenty of friends x3 *Talks to the corner*... Hey there :D
Success...In which you say yes to anything, hoping they'll reject it. x3 Unless he was talking to Dino. .w.
Lol xD
*shrugs*...Doesn't matter. .w. I could always kill you if I had a chance.
And what's the condition? .w.
An attempt to make a friend...Woo. .w. Lets do this. *proceeds to then talk to myself* I made a friend....Right?
Well, now you get it. So leave this loner alone. T^T
Ok...Erm. 0.o It's like "^w^" But with the "^" as eyes looking down. o.e
It's the mouth of the :3 face. .w."
No idea, I'm bored. .w."