Separate names with a comma.
I'll trade the plant in my dorm for any other plant
I've always heard queer used as a derogatory term until these snowflakey teenagers started using it
Let's all just agree to not use queer
I don't care what you call it, representation or whatever. It's blatant tokenism and stereotyping.
Most people won't know you're transgender from a first glance unless you're showing off your bits, so yah it kinda does have everything to do with it
Transgender people don't need special avis. It's not like the avatars show off privates so what's the difference between a cis and a trans avi?
Re: Our LGBTQ community ^ I tried to edit a typo and hit the wrong button ugh
Needing all this support from strangers to validate~ your sexuality is just pathetic.
This is why nobody likes us ya'll always go 100 when they go -2 and assume that every differing opinion is one calling for gay extermination
Good debate tactic
The gifts are bullcrap too. Gay. Bisexual. Transgender. Those are the only ones that exist outside of the internet Asexuality is usually...
1. Genderqueer isn't real and has no scientific basis 2. Why did you have to give the transgirl big muscles?
@kefo Okay but if a man wears a dress he's still a man, doesn't change his gender. Transgenderism isn't "I like everything the opposite s.ex...
The line is quite blurry, isn't it?
Confederate and Union
bEiNG tRAnS DoESn't eXeMPt yOU frOm bEinG biGOtEd aGaiNsT trANs pEoPLe [img]
Obviously a gay person can be racist because race and sexuality are different. But yall are calling me transphobic when I'm transgender which is a...
Also fun fact: all the genders from other cultures besides male and female were actually ways to make gay or gender-non-conforming people "other"...
This is the funny thing about most leftists. They preach all day long about "giving a voice to minorities" until a minority like me disagrees with...
Transgender people's brains are hard-wired for the body of the opposite s.ex. This mis-match between body and brain causes a mental illness called...