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kurt1780 100k CS
How about posing your rank in tutors too?
Let us be fair with dishing out consequences. Just because someone touched my raw nerve gives me and my friends the right to shoot that someone?...
Casper, how to make peace when you guys just kept hitting him? Let me give an example, a nation called another nation an insulting curse, is that...
Do you guys realized that farming just add more fuel to the fire? It increases drama rather than end one. There are others ways to resolve...
Will everyone chill and cease fire? Will farming him make things right? He has been farmed. His friends are affected. He has been kicked from...
Everyone should cease fire and cool down. That will benefit everyone. After that establish talks to resolve the situation. Words don't kill....
Casper. I do not support the cursing. Neither do I support the consequences he is receiving. Everyone makes mistakes and from what I see, Hamir...
What is the reason that instigate the curse? From what I read, please correct I'm wrong, Hamir stated that he was farmed for no reason and been...
I'm not backing Hamir. I just feel that things can be resolved without farming. But seems like he's not given a chance to fix his mistake and...
Things can be resolved without farming. If Hamir is really 11 years old, what kind of example are we teaching our young?
I'm not taking any sides. But is farming, and people jumping in to farm, a way to resolve a issue?
No wonder my farm is dtw even at regen time now
This will no longer be a strategy if everyone is doing it
May I ask in this situation, who started the farming?
Since they are overpriced, don't hire back and let the traders get stuck with them.
Let us constantly remind ourselves that behind every avatar / name is a real person with feelings somewhere in this world. Many of us play games...
The following is a summary of a 11 May 2012 content from Discovery News. "It provides a sense of power. It's a way of pulling your core group...