Separate names with a comma.
This has existed on this game . It called war. How the game started .
Once again ata sucked up. All girl avis. Why would a straight guy waste time on this hunt. Most of ppl on this game dont even know the refrence....
What a freaking rip off. Pay hard earn cash n get crapp avi n no show case items. Stop the hunts. Unless everything 6000 kcs or better
Stop encouraging these lame hunts. No more Hunts. It just away to collect from you. Of course since this is a bad revue pimd wont let it b...
The avatars suck worse then the spring break ones. I mean 14% strength n 8% intel on the guy. We worked hard for waaaaaay over priced stuff....
Hunt should be longer. Most of us have jobs,school.. husbands or wives and chilren. We cant be like ata n spend all our time on a game
i didnt get the 4 new dorms
these drops are terrible. Last party I was in 1out 70 ppl a item. Stop being stingy dev. Not worth doing if impossible to get items or trophies
ww n pimd relationships r just hookups. Just stupid.
Sessha and Terror-BadBoy- active