Separate names with a comma.
2.7k Monkey's paws 75 ghostly warning plagues 1 Frightening furniture box
Idk how to post pictures so I will have all items in showcase with the star thingy 625 Monkey's paws 1 Screaming Skull 2 1hour pet feeding...
Here is a list of all the words or sayings I know as of now. Chat = rap battle Idgaf = needs more cheese Master = maestro Shut up = that's...
The serendipity checking DIY tattoo
Well your just a lucky ducky
I honestly dont know what to say but is it nap time yet?
Fake art 101 no drops
OK whatever to y'all it may be dumb but IDC what y'all think I love the story and what they where willing to do for true love
The died for love but if that's dumb than I guess I'm dumb because I would do the same exact thing for true love
Romeo and Juliet
He has every other day of the year this isn't his day
100% agree
Listen here my uncle gave up everything to be true to himself. He gave up his career and his life and his home and moved to a state so he could...
This forum is so stupid instead of saying its great to be straight support your fellow GLBT community. For being straight what have you fought for...
I agree with Sawyer give them their day
What is the max?
No love -Eminem What does a dog do after it gets wet?