Separate names with a comma.
CC CLUB PLS wall me
corny. what is the meaning of this?
second relatioship must be free. ask payout onthe third please.
Ot. i cant seem to purchase high amount of ec
lol yeah tnx
rome/ big john. idk what i did to you but im sorry .
Just a Personal Announcement for former friends. for BA family. i know i had a misunderstanding. and to RS family. i love you all. and im...
lmao. I already tried #21 :D
stand after you eat, dont sit. drink 2 glasses of tap water before you eat. avoid cold drinks/ water. walk. or jog 20 mins a day.
pls include me when this happens :)
boys! felix and everyone goodluck
RS_TheMadManStoleTheKittyCat RS_WhoSaysImAngryImJustMad RS_
RS_ImSoMadIWantToEatCheeseBurger RS_WhoIsThatMadGuyOverThere RS_PutYourHandsUpCozImTheMadMan RS_TheMadManKillsThePussyCat RS_
RS_MadManGoinInsane RS_MadManInACandystore RS_UMadBecauseImHandsomeThanU RS_HandsomeGorgeousSexyAndMad RS_ICantThinkOfACoolNicknameImMad...
it means youre "The Man" lol.
ill pray for him, bless that child and his family. bless also the kind hearted souls who cares to pray for the child.
HB-KoloheGirl my first pupil, shes very kind. she helped me, i started with her. ---Juicy_na_Choosy--- my mom, though i dont know if she still...
shes just using you. a fall back. you deserve more than that.