Separate names with a comma.
Battle list should be changed to the new name "meet people". But good comphrensive list for those that bother to read it.
I solod a bunch during the black friday chaos they were never down for long enough for me to fail a cat unless you're trying to milk solo which is...
You gotta keep the ring kiss rose thong and bear other wise people will riot lol
Arcade misfire is potd
UI glitched nvmd
Looking to buy cheapest 499ec wmo
The beta war system just had a different feel. Plus with computer matchmaking and fully locked rosters you can't have idiots demanding you kick...
Id rather vaporize than roast....roasting leaves a bigger mess
I like being the annoying know it all to the annoying know it all's. Because proving that type wrong is one of the best things in life.
Actually no they declined which is good cuz now i need another rs
My rs case is closed
I also have cats and kinis i can drop and I'll play guitar for whoever asks me out and is around 15mcs+ in stats *Moonface*
Still looking
Still looking for rs closish to my stats that can ask and trades stat gifts
Rp side chick?
Looking for 18mcs+ rs Prefer female Must be able to ask Max stat gifts as they come up
Re: [CONTEST] Design an Anniversary Poster How do we get images from in the game since outside ones aren't allowed?
Because us Americans cant resolve anything without guns.....we have the bigger guns good luck taking back the US Youre right it is funny cuz...
I realized grey goose and zyn have kept their names for 2 years :O
The only mad one here is you lol, im just getting a kick out of your failed attempts to flame people. "Buhhh yo so stoopid 2 get dat" Free box to...